Herbs to Support Our Kidney Health

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Drink Tea for Kidney Health

Our kidneys are essential to our health to generate red blood cell and filter waste products and excess substances such as water, salts, and toxins from the bloodstream. In Traditional Eastern Herbalism, several adaptogen herbs  can support kidney health while providing essential antioxidants and vitamins to kidney health.

Key Benefits of Bravo’s Kidney Strong Tea and How Does This Herbal Tea Work

  1. Promotes Healthy Kidney Function

Our kidneys are essential for filtering waste and balancing fluids in the body. Kidney Strong Tea contains potent herbs like Schisandra Berry and Eleuthero Leaf, which help enhance kidney function naturally. These ingredients work together to address inflammation and support the detoxification process, helping our kidneys work at their best.

Schisandra helps to tonify the kidneys by strengthening kidney Qi (vital energy), which is essential for regulating water balance, detoxification, and overall kidney function. It contains antioxidants like lignans, which help kidney cells from oxidative stress and damage..

  1. Inflammation and Long-Term Kidney Health

Chronic inflammation can be damaging to the kidneys. With the anti-inflammatory properties of adaptogens like Schisandra Berry and Eleuthero Leaf, this tea helps keep inflammation in check, providing relief for overworked kidneys and contributing to long-term health.

  1. Improves Urinary Tract Health

Pyrrosia Leaf and Oriental Water Plantain Root are known for their ability to support urinary tract health by promoting natural detoxification and fluid balance. Drinking this tea regularly helps ensure our bladder and urinary tract are functioning smoothly.

  1. Strengthens Bladder

Frequent bladder issues can be frustrating, but Kidney Strong Tea can help. Ingredients like Euryale Seed are known to strengthen the bladder, addressing the likelihood of urinary incontinence or leakage. Regular consumption supports our bladder, giving us greater control and comfort.

  1. Natural Support for Kidney Stones

Macrocarpium Berry is known for addressing stone formation by supporting our kidneys in eliminating waste efficiently.

  1. Stress Relief and Overall Wellness

Stress takes a toll on the entire body, including our kidneys. Eleuthero Leaf, a well-known adaptogen, helps our body cope with stress, while also promoting general well-being. With better stress management, our kidneys and entire urinary system function more effectively.

delicious herbal tea

Why Herbal Tea is More Effective for Kidney Health

Having tried many other solutions like pills, vitamins or supplements — many of our customers often notice that Kidney Strong Tea works differently. This time-honored blend of the herbs has been used in Asia for centuries and works well and is safe, and easy to use at home.

Managing Kidney Health: Hydration Tips and Kidney Diet

Our kidneys play a vital role in maintaining our body’s hydration levels. They do this every day by retaining water, producing urine, and triggering the sensation of thirst to ensure our body functions optimally. Herbal tea not only tastes good, but also serves as a very good beverage for hydration.

When we say fluids,  it includes not only beverages but also foods that are liquid at room temperature, such as soups, ice, and smoothies.

Kidney Diet – Look for kidney-friendly recipes that are tasty and good with lower amounts of sodium, protein, potassium, or phosphorus.  Red Grapes, Berries, Salmon, Tofu, Leafy Green Vegetables, Avocadoes, Egg Whites, Apples. Asparagus, Green Beans, Red Bell Peppers, Garlic are the top picks.


The rich blend of adaptogen herbs in Kidney Strong tea provides the natural support for our need to live healthier, less discomfort of kidney or bladder issues. Just one cup of Bravo’s Kidney Strong Tea before bed can help refresh and revitalize mornings. This gentle beverage works overnight to support kidney health and balance the urinary system, giving noticeable results by morning.

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